Institut inter.research e.V.

Institut für interdisziplinäre Forschung - inter.research e.V.

Publikationen / Veranstaltungsbeiträge

Thomas Berger (2024)
EU2024 and collaboration with Europe Direct – our opportunity to make a difference?
Beitrag zum LEO-Net Seminar 2024 in Porto (Portugal)

Thomas Berger (2023/2024)
Erasmus+ Projekte an meiner Hochschule - Chancen und Nutzen für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler
Interview in DAADeuroletter 76, Ausgabe Dezember 2023, S.38ff
sowie Erasmus+ Wirkungsbericht 2023 der Nationalen Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit DAAD, S. 57

Thomas Berger (2023)
The Quality Framework for Traineeships- catering for high-quality traineeships
Competence Pass – a compass for development of future skills during an Erasmus traineeship abroad?

Beiträge zum europäischen Kontaktseminar “Impact of Erasmus+Traineeships on Higher Education” 2023 in Paphos (Zypern)

Thomas Berger (2023)
Competence Pass – a compass for development of future skills during an Erasmus traineeship abroad?
Beitrag zum Leo-Net Seminar 2023 in Bratislava

Dr. Cvetanka Walter, Thomas Berger (2023)
The crucial role of reflection during a traineeship abroad: How to empower students to develop future skills?

Beitrag zum University Future Festival 2023 (online)

Thomas Berger, Burcu Atalay Emre (2021)
How to design “green traineeships”?
Beitrag zur Global Internship Conference 2021 (online)
siehe auch:

Thomas Berger (2017)
Die Wirtschaft als Partner für Erasmus+ Auslandspraktika und Bildungsprojekte”
in “Europa in Bewegung – das europäische Erfolgsprogramm ERASMUS feiert sein 30-jähriges Jubiläum",
DAAD, Bonn, S. 172-175

Matthias Braun, Daniela Jänicke, Thomas Berger (2016)
"Welche Lobby haben Wissenschaftseinrichtungen in Brüssel",
in Wissenschaftsmanagement 3, 2016, Lemmens Medien, Seite 4f, ...

Berger, Thomas (2015)
Stimulating entrepreneurial mindsets by turning informal learning situations into key situations for the development of entrepreneurship competence
Practitioners Proceedings of the 2015 University-Industry Interaction Conference: Challenges and Solutions for Fostering Entrepreneurial Universities and Collaborative Innovation, Berlin, pg. 119-131

Kropp, Eva-Maria (2014)
Study on the impact of learning mobility: Investigation of the Impact of Mobility on language skills, intercultural skills, professional skills and on the sense of European Identity
Raising Quality and Quantity of Work Placements in Europe, Europemobility Network

Berger, Thomas & Eibich, Stefanie (2013)
Turning European Placements into a learning environment for entrepreneurial skills
Proceedings of ERACON 2013 Erasmus Congress and Exhibition,
European Association of Erasmus Coordinators (EAEC), pg. 1-9

Berger, Thomas & Vandenbosch, Pauline (2012)
Quality and Quantity of Placements for all? – Exploring Synergies and opportunities of cooperation across educational sectors
Proceedings of EastWest2012 Congress on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
, European Office Cyprus, pg.41-51

Berger, Thomas (2012)
Placement Mobility – as a key to unleash the entrepreneurial mindset among students
Proceedings of EastWest2012 Congress on Innovation and Entrepreneurship,
European Office Cyprus, pg. 113-123

Borgmann, Laurent; Berger, Thomas; Fessler Marcus (2011)
Introducing Games with a Purpose to Online and Blended Learning Environments
in Poulsen, Mathias & Køber, Ebba (eds.): The GAMEiT handbook - A framework of game based learning pedagogy. Oslo, pg. 63-85

Berger, Thomas & Grupa, Uwe (2011)
Student mobility - a potential catalyst for research and development cooperation between universities and food industry?
in Silva L.M. Cristina, Ramos N. Inês, Pittia Paola, Oliveira M. Sara (eds.): Book of Abstracts of ISEKI_Food 2011 - Bridging Training and Research for Industry and the Wider Community, 2nd International ISEKI_Food Conference. Milan, pg. 51

Freytag-Leyer, Barbara & Berger, Thomas (2011)
Conceptions of "Lifelong Learning" in the EU
in: Freytag-Leyer, Barbara & Alisch, Monika (eds.): Community Health Information in Europe. 1st ed. Kassel: university press, pg. 59-72

Berger, Thomas & Thomas, Michael (2011)
Integrating Digital Technologies in Education: A Model for Negotiating Change and Resistance to Change
in: Thomas, Michael (Hg.): Digital education. Opportunities for social collaboration. 1st ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (Palgrave Macmillan's digital education and learning series), S. 101–119

Berger, Thomas (2009)
Learning Culture 2.0 - the role of resistance in changing the learning culture in educational organisations
in Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2009, Rome, Vol. 1 pg. 269-277 (ISBN: 978-972-8924-93-5)

Fessler, Marcus & Berger, Thomas (2009)
Mentoring 2.0 - the VITAE Approach to train trainers in using ICT in the classroom
in Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2009, Rome, Vol. 2 pg. 449-451 (ISBN: 978-972-8924-93-5)

Berger, Thomas (2009)
Web 2.0 - Learning Culture and Organisational Change 
in Keegan Helen & Fox, Anne (Eds.): Mentoring for 21st Century Skills - It's All About the Learning, University of Salford, pg. 139-154
Download the Book ...

Fessler, Marcus (2009)
Moderated collaborative online learning - guided course development on the basis of an e-learning pattern template
in Keegan Helen & Fox, Anne (Eds.): Mentoring for 21st Century Skills - It's All About the Learning, University of Salford, pg. 83-94
Download the Book ...

Fox, Anne & Fessler Marcus (2009)
The VITAE Approach,
in Keegan Helen & Fox, Anne (Eds.): Mentoring for 21st Century Skills - It's All About the Learning, University of Salford, pg. 37-58
Download the Book ...

Borgmann, Laurent (2009)
Exploring Web 2.0 and Mentoring as Tools for Lifelong Learning,
in Keegan Helen & Fox, Anne (Eds.): Mentoring for 21st Century Skills - It's All About the Learning, University of Salford, pg. 59-82
Download the Book ...

Fessler, Marcus (2007)
Sprachgesteuerte Anwendungen. Grundlagen und Entwicklungskonzept
Vdm Verlag Dr. Müller;
Buch bestellen ...

Thomas Berger, Ulrike Rockmann
Quality of e-learning products,
in Handbook on Quality and Standardisation in E-learning, Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, Jan Martin Pawlowski (Eds.), Springer Verlag Heidelberg, 2006, S. 143-155

Thomas Berger, Christoph Freund (2006)
Anwendung der PAS1032-1 zum Aufbau eines Qualitätsprofils für das europäische Bildungsprojekt "Teaching Culture!",
in "Qualitätssicherung und Qualitätsmanagement im e-Learning - Beiträge zur Anwendung der PAS1032-1", DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (Hrsg.), Beuth Verlag Berlin 2006, S. 145-152

T. Jöckel, T. Berger, K. Khakzar (2005)
User Centered Design of Multimodal Interfaces for Use in Hybrid Shopping Environments,
Proceedings HCI Conference 2005, MIRA Digital Publishing, Las Vegas, 2005 (CD-ROM)

K. Khakzar, J. Salmann, T. Berger, T. Jöckel, H.-M. Pohl, W. Frank (2005)
Flexible Generierung neuer Geschäftsprozesse am Beispiel der ShopLab Toolbox,
Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005 - eEconomy, eGovernment, eSociety, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2005, Otto K. Ferstl et al (Hrsg.), S.271-288

K. Khakzar, H. Pohl, W. Frank, T. Berger, T. Jöckel, M. Fessler (2004)
Neue multimediale Verkaufs- und Erlebnisräume in den traditionellen Ladengeschäften der Innenstädte,
in HMD 235 - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg, 2004, S.37-44

A. Schenk, T.Berger, W. Nothdurft, C. Freund (2003)
Ein multimediales Lernarrangement zur Vermittlung von Ergebnissen der Gesprächs- und Interaktionsanalyse zwischenmenschlicher Kommunikation,
Proceedings of the Workshop on e-Learning 2003, HTWK Leipzig, Volker Dötsch et al (Hrsg.), S.9-20

W. Nothdurft, T.Berger, C. Freund, A. Schenk (2003)
Multimedia as a Medium for Conversational and Interaction Analysis - Concepts, Prototypes and Implementation Contexts,
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Multimedia and Information & Communication Technologies in Education, Badajoz, 2003, pg. 1750-1754

Nothdurft, Werner/ Berger, T./Freund, C. (2003)
Multimedia als Medium derGesprächs- und Interaktionsanalyse? - Konzept, Prototyp und Implementierungszusammenhang,
in: Gespraechsforschung 4

S.Booth, S. Westerman, K.Khakzar, T. Berger, H-M. Pohl, K. Dubracova (2003)
The Development of 'Hybrid' Multimodal Shopping Systems Within a 'Rapid Ethnographic' Methodology,
in Proceedings of HCI Conference 2003, Greece, pg. 606-610

K.Khakzar, H-M. Pohl, W.Frank, T. Berger (2003)
Communication and Information Technology for the Support of Traditional Retailers in Proceedings of IST
2003 Symposium, Iran, pg. 668-671

T. Berger, S. Booth, W.Frank, T.Jöckel, K. Khakzar, H-M. Pohl, S. Westerman (2003)
The ShopLab Toolbox: A Hybrid Approach to E-Retailing,
in Proceedings of ECOM 2003 Conference, Gdansk, pg. 19-26

Berger, Thomas (2002)
"Virtuelle Gemeinschaften" in Die Praxis des E-Business - technische, betriebswirtschaftliche und rechtliche Aspekte,
Dohmann, Fuchs, Khakzar (Hrsg.), Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden 2002, S. 317-334

Berger, Thomas; Borgmann, Laurent (2001)
Didactical Design of Web-based Communites of Learning, in HCI International 2001 Abridged Proceedings, M.J. Smith, G. Salvendry, M.R. Kasdorf (Eds.), Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 2001 S. 4-6

Berger, Thomas; Borgmann, Laurent (2000)
Strategies for participation of learners in virtual learning communities,
in PDC2000 Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference, T. Cherasky, J. Greenbaum, P. Mambrey, J.K.Pors (Eds.), New York, NY, USA 2000 S. 237-241

Berger, Thomas; Borgmann, Laurent (1999)
From virtual to real - Participative Learning Environments for Intercultural Learning,
in HCI International ' 99 Adjunct Conference Proceedings, Bullinger, Vossen (Eds.), Fraunhofer IRB Verlag 1999 S. 241f