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Events > European Action Stage Project week | Welcome Reception | vc4u | BID| Trace of Emmigration |Final Presentations
Students discuss about the virtual community
Students discuss about the virtual community

European Action Stage - international project week in Ireland

The project week offers the participants several workshops
to improve their intercultural competences. Participants of this
weeks were students, adult learners and coordinators from Sweden,
Germany, Spain, France, Lithuania, Belgium, Philippines, Ireland ,
Denmark, Austria, and the UK .

One of our daily workshops was called "vc4u" (Virtual Communities), a
virtual company, which offers the service to build up and host virtual
The life of this company started as part of the media-net-works pilot
training programme in october of the year 2004.

During the training programme (which prepared the project week in Ireland)
VC4U established a virtual community platform called "Achill Community" based
on research about the community of Achill Island and virtual communities in general.
During the project week the further development of the Achill virtual community was discussed in workshop meetings e.g. with "Achill Tourism" and inhabitants of the community.

A more detailed description about the Virtual Community platform is available at the result section.

"Borrowed Identity" was the name of the second daily workshop.
How would have your life been like if you were born on Achill Island, Ireland?
This was the leading question of the workshop for our participants and was the starting point for dealing with the diverse aspects of cultural identity.

More events during the project week:
- Welcome Reception
- Workshop "Trace s of Emmigration"
