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Events > Project Meeting 08.12 - 10.12.2004

The project meeting was held in Remagen / Germany. and took place from Dec 8 to Dec 10

The meeting was hosted by the
University of Applied Sciences Koblenz

Prof. Borgmann is Skyping with Alexander zur Linden in Spain
Prof. Borgmann is "Skyping" with
Alexander zur Linden in Spain

The meeting started on Wednesday 8th on 10 o'clock and ended
Friday 10th. Not all project partners were be able to
attempt physically on the meeting. To make their attendance
possible we used Skype, an online conferencing
software to include them in the meeting.

Key results of the meeting:

- Presentation of the project to representatives of the administration of the host university
- Presentation, discussion and evaluation of interim results
- Preparation of the interim report
- Planning of the European Action Stage (residential stay in Ireland)
- Planning for evaluation (questionnaires, data collection etc.)
- Agreement about inclusion of the University of Leon as an additional partner
- Agreement about request for modification of budget (change between cost categories)
- Agreement about adopted work plan and about the dissemination meeting in Umea in Sept. 2005
- Reports from concertation meeting in Brussels and from the ISO SC 36 meeting (E-Learning Quality Standardisation) in Dublin
