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Partner > FH Koblenz

External Link: Logo University of Applied Sciences, RheinAhrCampus
Fachhochschule Koblenz, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, RheinAhrCampus, Remagen, Germany

RheinAhrCampus Remagen is a higher education institution offering services, research, and higher academic tuition in the fields of health and social management studies, logistics and e-business, sports management, medical and sports-medical engineering, laser engineering, and applied mathematics. All degree programs have compulsory language courses, classes in intercultural communication and international studies.
There are about 100 full-time employees at RheinAhrCampus Remagen. The current number of full-time students is about 1,200. In addition, there are about 200 open-university students.
Picture from Andreas Faulstich
Jens Faulstich

Picture from Laurent Borgmann
Dr. Laurent Borgmann
