LIPS, Linguistic and Intercultural Preparation of Students for the workplace
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Reception of the regional LIPS project partners in Fulda/Germany, 16 December 05

Fulda LIPS Partners Prof. Dr. Schopf, Dr. Borgmann, Thomas Berger, Christina Langsdorf, Peter Krug

The reception took place at the transfer centrum of the University of Applied Sciences Fulda (FH Fulda) / Germany, 16 December 2005 and celebrated the regional start of the project together with members of the university and regional companies.

From left to right:
Prof. Dr. Schopf, Dr. Borgmann, Thomas Berger, Christina Langsdorf, Peter Krug

Agenda of the LIPS reception in Fulda

14 o'clock Prof. Dr. Schopf, president of the University of Applied Sciences Fulda "Greetings and opening of the reception"
  Dr. Elmar-Laurent Borgmann, LIPS project leader
"Presentation of the LIPS project, motivations and ideas"

  Christina Langsdorf, Leader "Knowledge Transfer" FH Fulda
"Importance of LIPS for the "Leonardo da Vinci II"
mobility programme of the University.
  Thomas Berger, Managing Director of the Institute inter.research e.V.
"LIPS as an example of interdisciplinary cooperation, combining 'learning with new media', 'training intercultural competences' and 'improving the usability of online products and processes of student placement

  Peter Krug, Managing Director of Global Brain Network
"LIPS as a way towards a better integration of foreign interns at the workplace and as an example for university/enterprise cooperation"

Marcus Feßler, LIPS staff member at the University of Applied Sciences Koblenz
Presentation "Podasting as an instrument for mobile learning"
Podcasting means the subscription of audio files to a special topic. These files will be transfered to a mp3 player e.g an iPod for mobile learning.

Opening of the buffet

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